Mineral Resource Map
Browse mineral resources
North America
United States
Anne Arundel
Unnamed Pit
2 Unnamed Pits At Stocketts Run and Patuxent River
7 Unnamed Sand and Gravel Pits E. of Hardesty
Unnamed Pits
Unnamed Pit 2.4 Mi Sw of Davidsonville
Unnamed Gravel Pit
2 Unnamed Pits 1 Mi Nw of Bayard
Unnamed Pits
Wilson Molding Sand Pit
Davidson Pit
Reliable Asphalt Pit
Annapolis Junction Pit and Mill
Reliable Pit and Mill
Arden Farms Pit and Plant
Odenton Pit and Plant
Meyers Station Road Pit
Abend Brothers Sand and Gravel Pit
Unnamed Gravel Pit
Unnamed Gravel Pit 1.6 Mi W. of Bristol
2 Unnamed Pits At Spyglass Island
Orr Silica Sand Property Prospect
Ellicott Ore Bank
Unnamed Pits
Gosweiler Ore Bank
Priest Deposit
Unnamed Pits
Welch Ore Bank
Disney Ore Bank
Smith Ore Bank
German Ore Bank
Goldwine Ore Bank
Reliable Pit
Unnamed Pits
Hawkins Pit
Ryden Pit, Meyers Pit & Chaney
Unnamed Gravel Pit
Unnamed Pits
Bobs Sand Company, Inc.
Rieve Ore Bank
Meyers Station Road Pit
Lafey Ore Bank
Annapolis Sand and Gravel Pit
Linthicum Ore Banks
Brown and King Ore Banks
Wilson Molding Sand Pit
Unnamed Gravel Pits
Unnamed Gravel Pits
Reds Dove Pit and Plant
Randel Ore Bank
Benson Ore Bank
Disney Pit
Rose Ore Bank
Mineral Ridge Property
Bennett Ore Bank
Soper Hall Ore Bank
Waters Ore Bank
Unnamed Pit
Chesapeake Pit
Harmon Ore Bank
Tyson Ore Bank
Belle Grove Corporation
Ed Meyers Pit
Meyer Pit & Plant
Plumbmer Ore Banks
Anderson Ore Bank
Ruth Ore Bank
Unnamed Pit
Sydicum Ore Bank
Skully Ore Bank
E. L. Gardner Plant
Stephens Pit
Hobbs Ore Bank
Odenton Pit
Eastern Aggregates Pit
Severn Pit
Dorsey Ore Banks
Berkley Ore Bank
Unnamed Pits
Timber Neck Ore Banks
Cunningham Excavating, Inc.
Garey Ore Bank
Hollins Ore Bank
Peco Pit
Ties Ore Bank
Annapolis Junction Pit
Unnamed Sand and Gravel Pits
Crook Ore Bank
Regal Construction Company Pit
Bbss Pit
Jessup Pit
Brandywine Sand and Gravel Pit
Patauxent Road Pit
© 2010-2018 Lee C. Baker unless noted. All rights reserved.